Eunchae Moon's animation depicts a heterogeneous situation that takes place in a short period of 3-4 seconds, bringing attention to daily life around us once again. The Flightless Moth is an animation showing a moth whose wings are injured and cannot fly. The desperate situation of the moth is further emphasized through the fast-moving wings. Through this, we can easily empathize with the non-human gestures that were passing by. The Lightning Scene describes the extreme change in brightness that occurred in the short moment of lightning. The character's behavior, which can only be captured at the moment the screen is bright, makes it possible to recognize the change in brightness more intensely. The Traffic Light at the Crossroad shows several traffic lights at the intersection changing at the same time. The appearance of traffic lights that continue to operate even though no one is using it shows the presence of things around us without words. A Night Game shows a baby trying to hold a tablecloth over the glass. Flowers embroidered on the tablecloth and the baby's passionate and meaningless gesture to reach it symbolically show a vain desire for what cannot be had.